As per recent reports, it has been revealed that Wales Health campaigners are laboring over persuading the massed for avoiding smoking when in cars, especially while there are kids on board. If it fails to work out, then there are possibilities that the Welsh Government will have to come up with some sort of anti-smoking laws for in-car travelers.
In this regard, a Cumbria-wide crusade was instigated earlier during July 2011, which was reportedly inspired by reports reaped from a survey of more than 713 smokers as well as non-smokers from all over the region. During the course of the survey conducted to find out the public view on account of smoking ban, it was revealed that the concept of the ban got a fairly overwhelming shore up for the participants of the survey.
In excess of 73% of particulates included in the survey claimed that they are in favor of the concept that Cumbria must come up with some sort of strategy for safeguarding adults less than 18 years of age from the negative and life-threatening consequences of smoking while in cars.
On the other hand, in excess of 92% of the people expressed their consent on the point that kids have a right for not being forced into exposed with secondhand smoke while they are in enclosed spaces, such as those in the likes of malls, colleges and cars, of course.
While expressing his opinion regarding the entire issue, along with explaining what all pros and cons lie behind the application of laws against smoking in cars, a member of the Cumbria Tobacco Alliance and NHS Cumbria’s public health specialist, Su Sear, claimed, “We ask that parents and adults just don’t smoke in their cars at all. Even if a child isn’t present every time they drive, tobacco smoke can linger on furniture and clothes and can still cause harm”.
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