Electronic cigarettes are steadily gaining acceptance as a healthier smoking alternative to tobacco cigarettes by authorities all across the world; and the latest one to join the league of such authorities is the New Zealand Ministry of Health.
The revelation was made recently when the official announcement from the New Zealand Ministry of Health came that it “recommends electronic cigarettes as a healthier alternative to tobacco.” The electronic smoking community is enthralled at this development since their most favored e cigarettes have now gained acceptance as a health-friendly smoking option by yet another country’s government.
For those living in the New Zealand, this news means a lot as the smokers can now enjoy the privilege to smoke anywhere and anywhere without being frowned upon. At the same time, they can smoke without the guilt of ruining their own as well their loved ones’ health while indulging in their smoking mode. The sentiment is echoed in a local resident, Jenny’s excitement over the news. “I am happy beyond expression. It’s like getting an official stamp to my favorite cigarettes….I never felt so free while smoking as I do now.” Another e cigarette reviews fan joined in to share his views and added how he could now “flaunt e-cigs telling everyone in the face that I am smart enough to care for myself as well as the environment.”
Interestingly, electric cigarettes are not just human-health friendly, but are harmless for the environment too. These do not contain carcinogens or emit offensive smoke. Instead e cigarettes emit pure vapors from combustion of nicotine mixed with vegetable glycerin. The fact that an e-smoker gets to enjoy pure nicotine vapor without falling prey to any hazards at all weighs tremendously in the favor of e cigs.
Comparison of e cigs with traditional cigarettes is obvious since the former are modeled on and developed as a better version of their traditional counterparts. “Smoking an entire cartridge of e cigarettes is over 500 times better for the health than smoking one traditional cigarette” informed Prof. Siegel, an MD from the Chicago University in order to assert the point.
The New Zealand Ministry of Health has been prudent enough to recognize and spread to its people the benefits of smoking the best electronic cigarette over the regular ones in time. It is speculated that many more countries would soon follow this suit set up by some of the well developed and leading nations of the world.
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