Restaurants and bars within Florence city limits will go smoke-free Tuesday when the long-anticipated smoking ordinance officially takes effect.
Florence City Council adopted the ordinance May 9 following years of contentious debate. The measure passed by a 5-2 majority of council members and will apply to most public indoor gathering places within the city, including restaurants and bars.
While some restaurants had to prepare for the changes by removing smoking sections and ashtrays and informing customers, other restaurants and bars in both the city and in Florence County went smoke-free long ago and said they felt the ordinance was overdue.
One of those restaurants is Stefano’s, which eliminated its smoking section several years ago Stefano’s owner Steve Toniolo said he made the decision because he felt the benefits outweighed any possible negativity. He said he was pleasantly surprised by the reaction of both smokers and non-smokers alike.
“We had a long wait for the non-smoking section, so we decided to just decorate outside, put out some concrete benches and smokeless ashtrays out there and people just go outside to smoke a cigarette,” he said.
Toniolo said that he feels business actually increased when he decided to make the establishment smoke-free and said it provides a better atmosphere for every customer trying to enjoy a meal.
“Everybody seems more happy. Even the people who do smoke, they don’t really have a problem with going outside and smoking a cigarette,” he said.
Many restaurant owners said although the impact of the smoking ordinance will not truly be known until it takes effect, they hope to retain their customers despite any backlash from smokers.
The ordinance prohibits smoking in enclosed buildings and spaces within the city, but allows for smoking on open decks, balconies and patios of restaurants.
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